Is there any rule to keep your relationship strong and healthy ?

I don’t know ...I have never followed rules but may be yes went by my heart ...never thought there would be any rule for keeping relationships!!
When I was young I always heard my father saying never sleep with your problems hanging between you and do not show your back to each other while sleeping.. never go to bed when you are angry with each other. This may sound like an old school thing..but it’s true ,try going to bed after you have discussed your issues .. if you are discussing with each other there would be less disappointment from each other... rather than shouting and screaming to solve your unsolved issues..talking it out and valuing each other’s opinion matters. Please understand there are no egos between partners.

At times not discussing your problems seems the easiest but believe me this can spoil the relations which leads to worse results..Problems are always there but solving them together always helps!! In a relationship couples grow up together so does their relation, 
couples ask me questions like "How do we navigate change together as a couple? How to determine whats works or feels right to you ?"

For most in fact for all it is communicating often, honestly and respectfully. its good to agree and tell each other their grievances rather than letting small cuts turn into gaping wounds,and its not that couples don't have big blow up flights, even i have had a few -doesn't everyone/ but don't let your interests and view points override into  your marriage.
try to do things that make each other happy as it builds goodwill in the marriage,
This matters most when during the occasional bigger arguments, the feeling of safety and security comes around which are created by  small moments of connection and tenderness everyday!!

All couples out their do you ever ask yourself what have been your greatest joys.

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