Inescapable Importance of Acceptance
In this short article I will discuss how important self acceptance is and how you can improve your life by accepting who you are. Somehow this topic is very close to my heart and somewhere or at some point many of us reading it would relate to it. Something that is wisdom and something we are all struggling with “Inescapable importance of Acceptance“.
Acceptance is not something that can be forced. The story of learning how to accept things always begins with not being able to accept them and then finding a way to do so. It is so important because if you do not accept yourself for who you really are, you will create a number of problems in your life. Some of these problems are internal affecting you personally and some will affect how others treat you. Many people fall into the trap of not accepting who they are and then try to be like someone else.
I know here you would relate –when bad things happen a lot of people say “ I just can’t believe it“ or I just can’t believe ist like that or even This can’t be happening to me. We invest so much hope and energy into situations that we start believing and get carried away by what we imagine, idealise or expect and create a bubble of self delusion that’s just waiting to burst. That is when we need to see things as they are.
I will here share an example, I was working with an Organisation for a good eight and a half years and when we got to know that the company is going through a rough phase and we would be asked to leave anytime . I was very delusion ed as during the eight and a half years I had seen separation from my husband, my husband’s death and bringing up my daughters all by myself and now this news- at that point I was actually in the phase WHY ME? How many more uphills and downhills will I have to cross? But during those days of struggle I sat down and started counting on the good things that had happened and that made me acknowledge my capabilities and skills in various capacities. I realised I was multitasking various roles that's where I accepted and invested the hope and energy into the situation and I am today-following my dreams and and accepting -that It is what it is, nothing more or nothing less.

Most situations we come across in our day to day life are a mix of good bad and weird. Always recognise that something good comes out of acceptance. Like always remind myself –In a strange way though but i needed to have that experience in ordert o learn positive lessons that I gained from life. The more you accept the more you learn about yourself.
Over the years I have learnt that you can survive any journey as long as you are willing to take one step at a time. You don't have to solve everything at once, always focus on the mind’s never ending To Do list. Its not always easy to adjust to what is unlikely, unusual and unexpected-but is still possible to become more relaxed around things and develop a more positive attitude.. the more you struggle to accept situations the more worse they seem to get. It surely takes time, acceptance is a journey that needs to be undertaken fort he sake of our own happiness and peace of mind.
When we talk of acceptance , it could be about the minutest of the thing to something that could make a change in the world , and when we talk about a minute thing it could possibly be refer to our daily struggles of accepting ourselves, our bodies, our loved ones and most importantly the life we are living. When we talk of accepting ourselves it could be something as little as the shape of your nose, your weight or colour. So things that make a worldly difference because this acceptance of ones skin color and defining it as something that creates no barrier or makes one no less than the other is what Nelson Mandela fought for!
We need to accept ourselves for being who we are and only then the world will see you as nothing less and most importantly , you shouldn‘t care what world percieves , world will percieve as they want that can be as a teacher, as a student or as a brat but never something you actually stand for., so stop creating an appropriate image of yourself to the world, it will always look at you the way it wants to so why not be your own Cheerleader!!
Friend & Guide,
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