Contemplating Life After Lockdown!

Yes we have entered lockdown 4.0 , I have began to contemplate life after lockdown . We have become so used to of not having people around. I clearly remember the sudden news of everything shutting  down seemed like a nightmare., which gave a feeling of how it felt like being house arrest, something that we would have thought utterly impossible , has yet managed to change our lives beyond all recognition and we all are adapting

I am finding myself scuffling with a few questions of the good things that unexpectedly I have come to experience !!
What will happen to the birds in the sky , what will happen to the clear sky , what will happen  to the pyjamas that we were wearing daily ., I will have to rethink about my relationship with alcohol, managing my family members -to be precise-“my two girls “ ., working from home and  completely and radically and utterly I know life is not gonna be normal after Coronavirus 
One of the another thing that I am doing daily and that’s gonna change  too post lockdown  is talking to my mom daily.. she lives an hour away from me .. she’s not too good with technology so I am making her tech savvy by making her do FaceTime.  Weekends we try and call around lunch so that we have the family time but connectivity always plays hide and seek !! 

However much I hate to accept and say it but life after lockdown is going to be a task now. Will have recharge and train my brain muscles to deal with my previous normal. Stretching those facial muscles  to deal with people in the most acceptable way which I seem to have forgotten completely 

But honestly I believe we will have to look beyond the obsession of this virus. And I have this sinewy feeling that we will quickly revert to the business within days of getting unlocked , like a fanatic prisoner who re offends hours after getting released from jail we too will relapse. To not washing our hands , to be carelessly flaunting those masks around our necks , not maintaining social distancing, to plundering Mother Earth from its natural bounty

As Rumi says - when you start to walk in the way , the way appears.

Let’s all start this walk and try and get out of the fear of this obsessive  virus.. and perhaps the least I can hope for this is that my fellow Indians will not forget to be respectful of my space when waiting / standing in the queue so that I can finally get into my Salon!!! 

Friend & Guide,

Neetu Bhandari

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  1. The life I lived during the lockdown seems really fascinating now. Overall it was a roller coaster experience. I relived my school days, college days and most dearly the hostel days. The difference now is quite striking though. I am afraid, I just don't like so many people around me anymore. I have learnt several lessons during these lockdown days. I have learnt to live without many necessities, which otherwise prior lockdown was unimaginable. I feel much stronger now and really hope this lesson stays with me forever.

    The Covid-19 lockdown was so sudden that it felt like a rude shock in the beginning. However, I have mixed feeling about it now. Not sure if I am truly happy about the fact that I will get to roll back into my original life again. I have started loving the lockdown life more it seems and will miss these days for a long time. Truly speaking I had made peace with being locked indoors. The thought of driving my car in the crowded city roads is very scary now. Actually speaking I am accustomed to this new way of life. I know it is not natural to love not having people around me.

    Do I need some counselling or some psychological sessions or is it generally alright to feel this way? Let's see how life unfolds!

  2. Very true, that we have to look beyond this virus obsession.
    Instead, we need to adapt social distancencing
    and basic nature of cleanliness in public place & get back on the track.

    1. Under these unprecedented times I am most certain to observe the Social Distancing and the hygiene factors. These are the only two factors under my direct control, there is nothing else that I can control beyond this.
      - I will stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people
      - Avoid to not gather in groups and
      - Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings


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